A Sugar Detox?

The surprising results of a sugar detox: https://www.washingtonpost.com/health/does-a-sugar-detox-work-im-on-it-and-have-had-some-surprising-results/2019/08/02/561245b4-a724-11e9-9214-246e594de5d5_story.html

In the heat of summer, choose water to hydrate

Sports drinks are often marketed as being healthy, but can contain as much sugar as soda. Here are key reasons to limit or completely avoid sugary beverages: https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/324854.php

Sugar’s getting a bad rap – The Sugar Association

Oh dear, my compadres in sweetness are starting to throw each other under the bus! Of course, high fructose corn syrup is one of my most prolific and hidden temptations… but can’t all of us sweetness lovers get along? I mean really, the addiction to sugary goodness can be fueled in oh so many ways… […]

Study: You Eat Twice As Much Sugar As You Should | TIME

Fabulous news! People everywhere are indulging in my sweetness. Why worry about obesity, diabetes, and long term health when you can have a momentary burst of mouth-joy! Study: You Eat Twice As Much Sugar As You Should | TIME.

More Coming Soon !

Welcome, fellow Sugar Lovers! Soon you will be able to read all about my secret plans and schemes for tempting you with sugary badness! IN the meantime, watch my Sugar Baddie video at www.zubertubers.com ! Then come back for more…